As stated in the [Using STL Containers with Eigen](http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TopicStlContainers.html) in the Eigen doc, special allocator might be needed for a `std::vector` of `Eigen::Mat…
Can someone please guide me if I want to use just a single Kinect for People Tracking purposes. I read the documentation, it is a little bit confusing.
Like what is the difference between camer…
Need to update registration pointclouds and transforms to work properly with multiple users, from both sides of head (based on interface side selection).
In the tutorial "Point Cloud Streaming from a Kinect," I am unable to display the streaming point cloud in the viewer window on the [/examples/depthcloud.html](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/ros3djs…
_This post was originally posted at http://sourceforge.net/p/jsk-ros-pkg/tickets/119_
pr1040でroslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint.launch
Failed to load lib/libjsk_pcl_ros.so
I have built the latest pcl code from the trunk and tried to use the median filter and i got a linker error for some reason. The log is attached for your reference.
$ make VERBOSE=1
/usr/bin/cmake -…
@andersgb1 this is failing since #212. Can you have a look? Thanks!
[ RUN ] PCL.SampleConsensusPrerejective
/home/jspricke/src/pointclouds/pcl/test/registration/test_registration.cpp:593: Failur…
The quick start on http://www.ros.org/wiki/openni_launch does not work anymore with my Kinect. Nothing is being published to /camera/depth_registered/points. /camera/depth_registered/camera_info gets …
not sure it is supposed to be.
Depth point clouds work, but registered depth point clouds fail.
ERROR: Unsupported encoding [yuv422]