Notes are a common practice in scholarly works. We should support the editing of author, editor and other types of notes.
Texture should support translated notes also.
Érudit Author Note: https:…
provide some way to add description, annotations, or results to studies. probably want this to work in concert with auto-discovery. probably want this in the next version
Add/review/finalize enums/ontology terms for the following Study/Dataset fields (see notes [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LPTrq_4TfBBoQ1cwD06kcIZhTYGF0WsVSgF_A4ySZIE/edit#gid=655259626…
AP Testers
GH Indi Page and Review Ticket for following...
Start review ticket with study plan and study reflection for week, due EOD Monday 4/18
[Link for the GH Pages Quiz corrections](https://…
## 2024.12.02 Agenda/Minutes
Time 1700 (BST) - See the time in your [timezone](https://everytimezone.com/s/a8399b00)
- Co-Chair - Pindy Bhullar (UBS)
- Co-Chair - Sean O'Keefe (Micr…
### L3 Physics, L3 Calculus
Hey aelzenaar. First of all thank you very much for making this comprehensive document on the L3 Physics for students taking the scholarship like me. I really like how y…
#### Agenda:
- 1. clarify the role of the stencil. What is the role of the original repository?
- With `./reports/` and `./studies/` being moved to the stencil I'm not sure anymore what's the diffe…
We need some form of code style and contribution guidelines in general.
# Edit 2022-11-07:
Some useful links
### Feature Description
The Pressbooks search results for words or phrases in a text currently display a chapter title and the first sentence in that text. It could be even more helpful for searche…
### react
- [x] when **ref** is react element and when it is dom element,how do you directly use a react element ?
- [x] how does react manage its **children prop**,what is the theory behind ?