Reported by: **[daschuer](https://github.com/daschuer)**
Date: 2015-03-09T09:00:06Z
Status: Confirmed
Importance: Wishlist
Launchpad Issue: [lp1429760](https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1429760)
The file is a simple Amen Break WAV (pcm_s16be 2ch 44100Hz, 6 seconds) which plays just fine in mpv.
I should mention that I have installed both ninjas2 and Ardour through Flatpak, if that is a pos…
I understand many people think Nekobi is feature complete already. For me there is just one more thing that I'd love to do with Nekobi - play microtonal music on it.
Their is currently per audio device preset control.
Would it be possible to also add per application preset control?
Would probably need to end up being per application per device.
Maybe on …
run_test_cpp.sh currently requires a `tempfile` command which seems to be Debian-specific (and deprecated anyway). I have it neither on Arch nor macOS:
$ ./run_test_cpp.sh
Look at how slow Wolf Spectrum gets after 20 minute of non-stop use:
Could this be some problem with non-freed image memory or something?
I noticed a few issues when I open them modules page and I use the Search field:
1 - If I type something and then I click CMD+A to select all text, it doesn't select it. At least in Logic. I see Lo…
Using modep on patchbox, installing the plugin from Patchstorage, I set the env variable MOD_USER_FILES_DIR to my USB drive in the /etc/environment but it keeps recording in the default folde…
> I know an AppImage is available but regarding the increasing Flatpak popularity to the point that LinuxMint now supports it out of the box, I think it should be taken in consideration
As we've previously discussed.
DPF plugins use similar project structures and Makefiles, so there should probably be an official way of starting a new DPF project.
For those who already want so…