The puzzle `94-179b6abd` from #94 has to be resolved:
The puz…
0pdd updated
5 months ago
# FIXME: Se eliminan demasiados outliers, revisar función
An Underground River
Rapidly flowing through an underground channel is a river of tea-
colored water draining from the swamp to the north. The channel is
a simple tunnel through the clay…
- **일기 쓰기 팁!:** 일기는 간단하게 - 에세이가 아닙니다. 시제(tense)를 알맞게 써주세요! 일기는 주로 과거에 일어난 일을 쓰는 것이기 때문에 과거 시제로! 하지만 상황에 따라 다양한 시제를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
- **주의할 점!:** 삼인칭 (he, she, it, 등등) 주어를 쓸 때 동사 원형에 **s** 붙이는 것을 주의 합…
Josoh updated
3 years ago
I noticed in tea_tests that strings are represented with backquotes. Why?
et4te updated
11 years ago
How can I install tea cli on NixOS?
Best regards,
Maciej Błędkowski
When I was creating a pagination with bucklescript-tea, I found that I could never get the "next" and "previous" button right. And I found a bug. It is the case if the `msg` for onClick is a `if` cond…
The asset included at '_errors/images/teapot.jpg' is a kettle. A kettle can brew neither tea nor coffee, it can only boil water.
## Description
I went through every single reagent in the game that may be relevant to bartending. There are a bunch of reagents missing their metamorphic sprite, so this issue is a list of every…