I'd like to get feedback on a proposed pull request that would add econometrically consistent simulation of multinomial and nested logit choices.
## Background
ActivitySim simulates the result…
At MWCOG’s Travel Forecasting Subcommittee Meeting on 11/18/2022, Joel Freedman (RSG) presented a new simulation-based constraint mechanism in ActivitySim mandatory location choice models (the present…
**Describe the bug**
When doing benchmarking runs with full size prototype mtc extended, the model crashed in the trip mode choice for some school-related trips. When looking at the trip mode choice …
We are using the skim time period label 'EA' twice in our network los configuration. Is this skim/time period configuration supported? If not, how should it be configured without having to create two …
ActivitySim currently allows multiprocessing by breaking up the problem for individual components and then running these “chunks” in parallel. Doing this work requires the segmentation of the pipeline…
The current asim free parking model uses household variables such as income, workers, size, and work location to estimate free parking. Later models such as SANDAG's model use more detailed informati…
The current implementation of ActivitySim relies on a uniform random number draw to choose a discrete alternative from a probability distribution. While this method is computationally convenient and c…
Model additional travel markets such as airport trips, vistors, universities (see other item), freight (see other item), etc. This can take several forms, including aggregate, disaggregate, trip-base…
Recently, while executing MWCOG Population Synthesizer, developed based on PopulationSim v0.4.3, MWCOG staff discovered that the software consistently produced varying outputs at the disaggregate lev…
Model the commodity flows throughout the region. This can take several forms, including aggregate, disaggregate, trip-based, tour-based, FAF-based, agent-based, etc. Several DOTs and MPOs have freig…