Hi, i am trying to post-process the DNG files created by your tool in Blackmagics Davinci Resolve (there is a free version). It has problems reading the DNG files, while Adobe Software (Photoshop, Aft…
I swear, I must be missing something. I spent a solid hour or two googling and reading every issue on this GitHub and still finding no resolution.
I just downloaded this project from your website. …
**Tell us about your environment**
I am Using Windows 10 Pro with the latest Version of After Effects, and the latest version of Bodymovin installed through the Adobe marketplace, on a desktop PC…
I was thinking a bit in the way Adobe After Effects handles things. For each layer / sprite the values (x, y, angle, alpha, scale,...) have their own timeline or ability to apply keyframes.
There's this file format Lottie that is supported in web, android apps and more. You can design animations with Adobe After Effects (really good tool and easy to use). Then export to Lottie file.json …
다른 폰트들은 다 괜찮은데 이상하게 이 폰트만 사용하면 렌더링 시간도 길어지고 자원을 많이 잡아 먹는 것 같습니다.
5950x에 3080이라 텍스트 몇개 올리는거 가지고는 왠만해서 렉이 걸리지 않는데 작업을 도무지 더 이상 못할정도로 렉이 걸리니 미치겠네요 ㅠㅠ
The prefs files for Beta version of AE are stored in a different location. Here's where they live.
This week, I chose to approach my work from a fresh perspective. While my previous submissions often reflected my boundless creativity and unconventional thinking, I opted to shift gears and view thin…
Please add types for the new functionality introduced for [After Effects 24.0](https://ae-scripting.docsforadobe.dev/introduction/changelog.html)
Hey, you've made a great taskbar/spoon, and it's really good. There are some things I would like to add, though. The first thing I want to talk about is excluding certain applications.
As you can s…