I had been ripping small amounts of hair out over the past few days trying to get lightning deploys working again for our teams. I finally realized that I had forgotten to install the Slack pl…
É preciso unificar as strings de texto de cada módulo num só ficheiro. Esta unificação permitirá uma revisão de texto mais fácil e consistente em cada e entre cada módulo, além de facilitar um eventua…
First of all, thanks for the great library. It worked like a charm for me.
That said, i've noticed that the app is bigger than I expected it to be, around 12KB after gzip. Part of the problem is th…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create build file to include the following options: dir, name, out
2. Empty or erase the directory specified by dir
3. Have a simple sample application which requires other j…
$ curl -s 'https://api.cdnjs.com/libraries' | jq -r .results[].name | xargs -I{} -n1 -P 10 bash -c 'F="$(mktemp)"; trap "rm -f "${F}"" EXIT; S="$(curl --silent --output "${F}" --write-out "%{http…
Using latest nightly:
I recently created a script which can initialise my development environment. Part of that involves installing my necessary Oni2 extensions.
I've noticed that some extension…
Hello, I have an issue related to validate confirmation of real-time update (skip validate option).
I created a special repository to show what is happening with instructions how to reproduce it.
## The devDependency [prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) was updated from `1.14.2` to `1.14.3`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/mirai-audio/ember-i18n-changeset-validations/c…
Apart from explicitly overriding the message with the right key, i didn't see anywhere in the source code to declaratively add custom error message
Ember.ValidationError.addMessage('blank', "can't be…