For a matrix of shape `R, C` nalgebra's SVD decomposition currently computes the singular vector matrices `U` and `V_t` with shapes `R, M` and `M, C` where `M = min(R, C)`. Although this is sufficient…
Hi, I have some doubts about DarkSCNNLanePostprocessor. The code makes me confused.
1.As we can see, "xy_points" represents lane boundray keypoints in the car coordinate system (bev), and "uv_points"…
Thank you for your code.
In your README you demonstrate plot of path's original video and stabilized. How do you get this paths?
I thought that it's path of frame's center - x. So x' = H*x, where H…
Could you tell me if it could generator projective images.
Everytime I got some images, I had to do perspective transformation in MATLAB that cost much time.
In your paper——Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images ,V. EXPERIMENTS A. Dataset and Implement Details said,
To quantitatively describe the distribution of di…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "auto_stack.py", line 121, in
stacked_image = stackImagesECC(file_list)
File "auto_stack.py", line 25, in stackImagesECC
s, M = cv2.findTr…
Thanks for re-implement the model. How's the performance? Consistent with claimed in the paper?
Hi, thank you for your amazing work. I am inspired by your work about alignment the clock. I have tried to use STN for alignment my pointer meter as followings. I picked front meter of each category a…
Using the same format as you. I get errors when using train (default params) on an external dataset previously formated in the same way you suggest (dataset is attached)