Laplacian Operator is also a derivative operator. It is a second order derivative mask. In this mask we have two further classifications one is Positive Laplacian Operator and other is Negative Laplac…
# **Feature Request**
## **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
For some transformations like background removal and AI transformations, the first request may recieve…
(Paywall Wiley version: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/%28SICI%291097-0193%281999%297%3A4%3C254%3A%3AAID-HBM4%3E3.0.C…
Hello @LucaMarconato!
Thank you very much for this tool. I want to plot a part of morphology image acquired with xenium + multimodal segmentation kit. It is loaded into spatialdata and plotted withou…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Currently, if I parse an xarray DataArray into an image container, the coordinates are overwritten with pixel coordinates even if I …
Hello, I have a situation where I need to rotate the GIF image direction. Does your library support changing the direction
Thank you for your attention!
Please download the datasets for coco classification setup in [here](https://anu365-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/u6854640_anu_edu_au/EVwMYZdEYodCtRtGeiVR1doBUnExq…
Hello Shenhan,
Previously we discussed on the VHAP code repository regarding FLAME parameters for 6 cameras with different intrinsics and extrinsics and I was facing the issue of fitting the FLAME…
> Issue in `apps/docs/docs/modules/ingestion_pipeline/transformations.md`
There is an issue with an example of ingestion/transformation on the documentation site.
Regarding custom transformation…
Design and implement an algorithm to process an RGB image from the ZED camera, and output three control values (range of 0-255):
- Throttle
- Steering
- Braking
To Do:
- Get midpoint from rotated re…