It seems like sstable and other packages can only be used with the local filesystem (pass in a path).
If we could pass in a custom Reader and Writer, we'd be able to use other storage (e.g. memory,…
>ref https://github.com/awslabs/aws-lambda-powertools-typescript/issues/26for strucutre of my RFC
## Description of the proposal
There should be a consistent way to produce test fixtures for A…
Hi, I have a Spring boot maven application in Java 17 and this application needs to connect with another java application that is using jolokia, to avoid refactoring all the classes made using javax, …
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-953] Build factory for static operations for record managament
Original Reporter: Reiner Jung
In AbstractMonitoringRecord (AMR) and the KDB connector initialize methods are s…
Currently object life cycles are not managed, which makes it more difficult to instanciate any object, or use any objects which needs a reference to a different class.
I've been trying to integrate Split in my app but the features would never load (`isReady` property is never set to `true`) and it turned out it's because in the development mode I'm using Re…
Currently, code located in the level loader among other places uses a large if/else structure to create loaded object. It may be more object oriented to use some sort of factory mechanism. Each obje…
Currently, freezed allows deserializing/serializing typed objects using generics. However, in certain cases, it may be useful to specify a different JSON key dynamically for the generic field, dependi…
Hi @adrenak
I need to broadcast audio to all clients present in the rooms created by clients. The room GameObject is a server-spawned object.
When a room is created:
Where should the chatroomA…
From the [mailing list](http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/archives/netcdf-java/2016/msg00068.html). Executing:
``` java
String tsar[] = new String[]{"one", "two", "three"};