I am using Nougat on my Odroid XU4 and it is working great with an AndroidTV Image, though this package is not available in the TV version. Could you please add it for that too?
Hi all,
I planned to try Odroid XU4, PixFalcon and bluefox2.0 camera to run rovio. I was wondering if the IMU on the PixFalcon is good enough for rovio? Hope to hear you soon!
Thank you so much…
### Description
Game runs slow. It installed and started up with no dll mod needed. Same as Fallout 3, had to manually edit FalloutPrefs.ini (change iNumHWThreads to 4, also lowering view distanc…
Hi Andrew,
I've heard that it is impossible to compile the latest version of AM on ARMv7 based processors like the Odroid XU4 due to the lack of 32 bit support. Can you confirm whether that is true o…
## I'd like some assistance from the community!
With the self installer scripts releasing us from the constraints of the Raspberry Pi platform I require testers with access to single board computer…
I have used wifi-control with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 LTS on Odroid Xu4 . It works perfectly fine on it. I never had an issue with anything. Now, I am doing the same on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS on Odr…
i try to install it on my ubuntu 18.04 lts server.
Hardware is an Odroid XU4
Is there a way to get the authorization-token without a GUI?
This is what happens:
`steffen@odroid:~$ google-drive-oc…
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on Odroid XU4
OpenCV version 3.1.0
Error message:
/home/odroid/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libapriltag_mit.so: undefined reference to `cv::line(cv::_InputOutputArray const&, cv…
A similar issue was presented before. #5
When I run the SVO example (both with the fla_stereo_imu.bag provided and with my own stereo camera, and both on my laptop and Odroid XU4), there are some st…
I tried an update on my Odroid HC1 (server without cam). I used the download version of the Odroid XU4 for this. The hardware is the same (HC1 has no HDMI) and has always worked so far.