the source has parent id invalid problems and the bird homonym Oenanthe ends up in plants:
therefore also in xcol:
According to the [JASPAR download result](http://jaspar.genereg.net/download/CORE/JASPAR2020_CORE_plants_non-redundant_pfms_jaspar.txt), there will be 530 unique non-redundant plant motif.
And when I…
**WCVP, The World Checklist of Vascular Plants of 2021-02-21** was imported on PROD 2021-12-03 by @mdoering.
(see also report on DEV data: https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/testing/issues/175)
Using new async support from this release:
- https://github.com/simonw/llm/releases/tag/0.18a0
- https://github.com/simonw/llm/issues/507
I'm going to have two - one streaming and one non-strea…
A list of top performing users who have uploaded max plants. Can be displayed on the right side of screen. Number of plants uploaded can be also displayed alongside their names.
»[The International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP, Cultivated Plant Code)](http://www.actahort.org/chronica/pdf/sh_10.pdf) regulates the names of cultigens (plants whose origin or …
The current description of the geo-location variable is
> The geographical origin of the sample as defined by the country or sea name
> followed by specific region name. Country or sea names sho…
> A botanical garden (or botanic garden) is a garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation, preservation and display of a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names. It may contain sp…
I would be grateful for additional information about downloadable human dataset "All channels integrated" http://download.jensenlab.org/human_tissue_integrated_full.tsv. While working with this datase…
According to the docs I can
> A variable or a specific sample in the metadata to normalise the counts by.
If I do
amp_heatmap(AalborgWWTPs, normalise=T, normalise_by = 'Plant')