PREFIX rdfs:
select * {
?x rdfs:label ?label
filter not exists {?x rdfs:comment ?comment}
The following 8 terms have label but no comment:
| | x …
"Regex" is not mentioned one other time in both the UG and DG so there is no need to define it. Additionally, I believe telegram handles should also be explained in the Glossary due to how many times …
Terms And Service Page
The terms and service button is not functional. I can create a page of it where it will redirect.
About the biblink terms, the usual convention in the web-semantics world is to have:
- capitalised terms for classes ;
- camel-case with lower case first letter for properties.
Hence, I would pro…
- Terms of use should state non-commercial academic use only, and link to info@tcelltech.com for commercial use
- Disclaimer should have words to the effect that predicTCR is for research use only an…
# Overview
This proposal suggests a design enhancement for the default calculus, which could improve the compilation process and increase the language's expressiveness.
# Motivation
The idea come…
I'm working with a single cell dataset, which has imperfect cell isolation, and has some mis-labeling of counts between cells. We can estimate the level of "contamination" for each cell, for…
1. ARC → Automatic Reference Counting
1. COM → [Component Object Model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Component_Object_Model)
1. [Encapsulation context](https://www.google.com/search?q=site…
Is there a referencible glossary of terms and definitions we can use? ...or do we need to build a glossary/terminology list as we go?
As an example, people in today's first WG meeting were asking and…
Hey ihslimn, please confirm if this image description on the **Read Me** is working or there is a work around. I have two related terms and the child term is not finding the parent term. It seems like…