I deployed my app to Digital Ocean and Gatling selected port 49615 for it. But DO gave error 502 for this configuration, app started working only after I manually changed port to 4001 in init.d and ng…
There should only be a single forcing group object declaration per core as per https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS/pull/1333. Ocean/develop currently has multiple declarations of forcing group - THIS IS …
I'm confused on how to install Snow on DigitalOcean. Are there any setup guides?
During a QU240 test case on Cori-KNL, MPAS ocean model was found to be irreproducible in a pure MPI configuration when built using Intel at -O2 or higher. Namely, two identical 8-core jobs submitted o…
Dear Sir,
I successfully installed PyFLEXTRKR on my system, and the demo run was successful with the data you provided. However, I am now trying to run it for another region for April 2023. I have d…
Feature Request
In order to switch easily from a pool to solo mining, the fields need to be blanked out, then re-entered to switch back.
It would be nice to have a toggle switch, rather than have …
### What happened?
The skeleton of dragons is spawning on top of the water, I assume it should be at the bottom of the ocean, or not be spawning in those areas at all.
The next missing biomes, that will be implemented should be:
- ExtremeHills
- ExtremeHillsPlus
- Mesa
- MesaForest
- MushroomIsland
- Ocean
-> The rest of update aquatic -> Minecraft Wiki:
Hi, here is my command for running cactus-hal2maf:
cactus-hal2maf ./jobstore /ocean/projects/bio200049p/smishra1/Files/241-mammalian-2020v2.hal /ocean/projects/bio200049p/smishra1/Tools_Installed/c…
![2024-03-05_21 38 16](https://github.com/Rozmir-Rohi/mo-creatures-legacy/assets/78334210/53bfcc94-2dc0-4256-9bb9-36087cb037d6)