As per https://wmo-im.github.io/wis2-guide/guide/wis2-guide-DRAFT.html#_global_discovery_catalogue:
> A Global Discovery Catalogue will only update discovery metadata records to replace links for d…
You will need to implement custom Python code to remap Joy inputs into Twist messages. teleop will not simply do this for you. We need that specific control scheme: one track for each joystick.
We …
libzmq: 4.3.5 via PyZMQ 26.2.0 (Python 3.10)
OS: macOS 13.6.6, Ubuntu 22.04
It appears that a delay is needed after creating and binding a `PUB` socket before the first message can be successfully…
I would need to be able to control what topics a client can publish to and subscribe to.
Any plan for that?.
:rocket: Automated messages will be posted here after:
* [app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml](https://github.com/forrestguice/SuntimesWidget/blob/master/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml) is …
### What happened?
When publishing to the bridge broker or local broker an infinite publish loop occurs when using a shared topic.
### What did you expect to happen?
I should be able to publish …
The examples in the README only provide a way to publish and to subscribe to resources. Is there a way to delete resources? Or to delete subscriptions?
The docs say it supports pub/sub, but doesn't give any examples of how to do it... How would the server publish or subscribe?
### How can we help?
I would like someone else to build the manifest.
### Please read and ensure the following
- [X] The installer meets the above requirements
### Please provide the following inf…
## Description
Allow rosbag2 to listen to the `/clock` topic as its time source. This would allow for rosbag2 to play in sync with Gazebo, or to synchronize multiple bag playbacks with each other (…