Timer should go from green background to yellow background to red background dynamically based on amount of time elapsed since starting question. The cutoffs for color change will vary by section. C…
Added some small enhancements:
- Selection of color (setActiveColor()) and two color constants or ICS-blue and
pre-ICS orange. Being able to change the color dynamically should also allow to
Added some small enhancements:
- Selection of color (setActiveColor()) and two color constants or ICS-blue and
pre-ICS orange. Being able to change the color dynamically should also allow to
Added some small enhancements:
- Selection of color (setActiveColor()) and two color constants or ICS-blue and
pre-ICS orange. Being able to change the color dynamically should also allow to
Added some small enhancements:
- Selection of color (setActiveColor()) and two color constants or ICS-blue and
pre-ICS orange. Being able to change the color dynamically should also allow to
Per your invitation @JonathonLuiten, I've started to create a script for reading params.npz into Unity and animating the dynamic Gaussian Splats. For the rendering, I'm looking at this codebase:
- [ ] Expand the component's functionality by adding three new onClick event handlers:
onClickCopy: Triggered when a copy action is initiated.
onClickPreview: Triggered when the previe…
### Tested versions
reproduced in 4.0.4.stable & 4.2.1.stable
### System information
Godot v4.2.1.stable unknown - Arch Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 05 Jan 2024 16:20:41 +0000 - Tty - Vulkan (…
In some sites such as the [linkedin transparency reports](https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a1678508?hcppcid=search), the terms of interest are located in dynamically named endpoints that …
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