On the same machine and OS, WSL g++ 7.5-compiled simdjson parses at 2.6GB/s and MSVC 2019-compiled simdjson parses at 1.0GB/s. ClangCL parses at 1.4GB/s, so there might be a link.exe thing going on th…
Ubuntu 19.10 is out. Will it be supported via PPA?
Now that PCL compiles with C++14 by default, it's high time to make a transition from Boost to standard smart pointers. This transition should not break source code level compatibility with previous r…
[Meson's website](http://mesonbuild.com)
I know, this is a bit of a hot topic, or at least a "*nobody really wants to discuss it because nobody wants to actually do it*" topic, so I'm putting massi…
I now get error:
`treemacs-icons-dired--display: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil [3 times]`
when i try to open ranger or deer.
Updating/reinstalling the module doesn't work (
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* [x] `$…
Back in January I played around with converting libpqxx to using CMake as the primary (well, only) build configuration. I just finished bringing the branch up-to-date with 6.4.4: [JadeMatrix/libpqxx@…
There are messages like below that started to come to syslog continuously. There are already around ~25 000 messages like that, frequency of those messages increase. We are using recent versions of al…
Even with g++9, it seems that the large refactoring is colliding with bugs in g++'s LTO.
1. Get the latest from GitHub and build with LTO:
cd /tmp
git clone git@github.com:fmtlib/fmt.git