I am testing standalone pepquery on Linux machine through running several commands with different parameters. I noticed some inconsistencies in the output and strange warnings in stderr.
It would be valuable to update the Unipept workbench and the Unipept API with some tools for aggregating biodiversity identifications (may be extended later on with tools to aggregate functional ident…
Trying to replace Fido with Epifany from a nighly
Version: 2.4.0-HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND-HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND Sep 9 2019, 13:03:04, Revision: a5903f78752457d371d499ce6b9342ff83ef88cd
When I ran the fo…
When trying to generate a "Default Peptide Report with non-validated matches" or "Default
Peptide Report" app crashes:
at com.compomics.util.experiment.identi…
I have been trying to export a peptide identification summary that includes PTM's in the modified sequence. The only way that I have been able to export data showing PTM's is by using an exte…
I am a Graduate bioinformatics student in the Hood College and working on Bioconductor(PGA) for identification of novel peptides from human brain sample.
I prepared the customised databas…
I'm having a problem trying to run FlashLFQ. Here is my command line execution and error message:
& '..\FlashLFQ\FlashLFQ\FlashLFQExecutable' --idt flashLFQinput.psmtsv --raw FileName.m…
Hi there,
I was wondering on which score (hyperscore or nextscore) one should base the filtering to remove low-quality spectra.
Do you also have any advice on which minimum value one can consider …
Hi Guys,
got the following error:
Data files were processed on a VMware, Inc. VMware Virtual Platform computer using Windows version 6.1.7601.65536 with a 64-Bit processor and 26 cores operating a…
Hiérarchie ProteoRE et hiérarchie "Galaxy-P tools" (si question passe me voir)
1. ProteoRE
Data Manipulation
ID Converter (Human, Mouse, Rat)
Filter by keywords and/or numerical value
Venn diag…