# Task # 02
## Perform a subset of tests on [`iotlab-m3`](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Board%3A-IoT-LAB-M3) node:
- [x] bitarithm_timings
- [ ] bloom_bytes
- [ ] coap
- [x] conn_ip **sent 3 pi…
# Task # 01
## Execute all tests on `native` and check their output:
- [x] bitarithm_timings
- [x] bloom_bytes
- [x] coap
- [x] conn_ip
- [x] cpp11_condition_variable
- [x] cpp11_mutex
- [x] cpp11_thr…
# Task # 03
### Perform a subset of tests (!= subset from [Task #02](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/Release-Specs/issues/23)) on [`samr21-xpro`](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Board%3A-SAMR21-xpro) …
Hello Joan,
here I again... ;-)
I try two I2C-Devices on the bus (BME280, BH1750). I expected one Handle for each I2C-device. But i get only one for them (or the same for each...).
If I try only one…
i tried to install your plugin via `npm install pimatic-bh1750` and it failed to install with the following error:
555 verbose cwd /home/pi/pimatic-app
556 error Linux 4.4.11-v7+
557 error ar…
Hi Jose,
I noticed the lux value returned from BH1750 sensor set up in low resulution mode differs by the factor of 2 from that returned from set up to high resulution mode.
I use the sensor together with other I2C devices on one arduino and therfore would like to set a unique I2C adress for the sensor.
### Configuration
**Operating system**:
**PlatformIO Version** (`platformio --version`):
PlatformIO, version 2.11.2
### Description of problem
not build it
on original Arduino IDE no pro…
#### Issue Description
IIO node by default assume the IIO driver has buffer implemented, but not all IIO drivers have buffer implementation, therefore the lookup for buffer entry in sysfs may retur…
lblim updated
8 years ago
Even when you pull my fix, the i2c library is not being used correctly.
I attempted to patch this problem, but ran into a bug?
I'll send a frame with payload 0x56 0x00 0x2D to the SensorNode, it the…