please add play and pause button and timeline start and end. and also give an live icon if the stream is playing live using hls.
can you add DRM supported links ? dash .mpd clearkey , widewine, etc.
## System info
**Operating System**: Operating System: macOS Catalina, Ubuntu 20.04 etc
**Shaka Packager Version**: Shaka Packager Version: packager-osx version v2.4.3-dd98700-release
## Issue an…
see http://flowplayer.org/forum/#!/moot/5418
I observed this too in some tests: when loading pages with Flopwlayer Flash, browsers ask for Flash 10.1 + install, even though it is already there.
bbbo updated
11 years ago
i have done some tests with the "angel" dash source url _(Star Trek)_ from demo page and as described in [this issue](https://github.com/clappr/clappr-level-selector-plugin/issues/77#issuecomment-5802…
When using the Ethereal Chains, it'd be nice to include a pop-up warning when you would land above a chasm tile. :(
Here are my findings at trying to make the latest video.js version working.
What I discovered:
- videojs-http-source-selector is completely broken, but that's because we are using the old method…
I tested the WebM DASH JS recently, and what I did was following the
webmproject's wiki
The commercial requirement for V&V of the Signalling of Applications for Accessibility Services states
>**Req 4.4-2 DVB-I metadata**
DVB-I service list and content guide metadata shall …
基於以下幾點的音 Game
+ #3
+ [MuseDash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dThpEZrf56Y)
+ procedural generated music