Popularimeter is the typical field used for song ratings, and [it's format](https://id3.org/id3v2.3.0#sec4.18) is `RATINGSOURCE:RATINGNUMBER:PLAYCOUNT`, for example `org.kde.kfilemetadata:128:0` signi…
In the [Understanding SC 1.4.11: Non-text Contrast](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/non-text-contrast.html) document, there are some great examples of how non-text contrast affects users a…
sometimes (ramdomly) when someone clicks on a star, I recieve an incorrect value in onSelect event. My barrating:
` rtnValoracion.barrating({
theme: 'fontawesome-stars',
When the event finishes, email all attendees of an event.
An MVP email could be either:
- a link to a simple feedback form that is pre-made and set in the event details.
- a rating scheme, where …
samzx updated
4 years ago
I think that it would be good to somehow visually display how suitable the extension was under certain categories. This would allow an easy comparison between extensions which perform a similar functi…
To add in the likes symbol so people can express approval or disapproval on any news story, comment, event, service or forum post. It gives an extra degree of feedback about issues. ide…
This is a great plugin!
butI need to be able to customize the message
Because my server is Chinese
My players can't read English!
Looks like there's decent interest in this. Some ideas for building it out further:
- calendar/schedule view of upcoming triads (poem, story, essay)
- ability to generate/modify a schedule at user ini…
Pugio updated
10 years ago
Create a rating algorithm based on quality data sent to us from Jegan
> We use a star rating system to indicate the importance of module components.
> Start with things that are rated one-star and progress to things with more stars.
It seems to me that these two sta…