Ran 'catkin_make' under top-level dir, then cd into src/ and tried running 'make' and got this error:
$ make
[ 0%] Built target _rl_msgs_generate_messages_check_deps_RLStateReward
[ 0%] Bu…
; compiling file "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_lisp_cl-djula/cl-djula/work/build/source/cl-djula/test/filters.l…
OS: macOS 14 running on an M2 Macbook Air
Using the prebuild branch (so as to not compile llvm from scratch) and trying to load the library with quicklisp `(ql:quickload :claw-raylib)` as per the i…
- [x] kotlin
- [x] javascript
- [x] C
- [x] python
- [x] java
- [ ] c++
- [x] clojure
- [x] rust
- [ ] dart
- [ ] ocaml
- [ ] scala
- [x] lol no generics
^ that's go
- [ ] elm
^ fron…
The ANSI conformance tests have been updated since they were incorporated into the CCL test suite, so either the latest ANSI conformance tests should be incorporated or the ANSI conformance tests shou…
Hi guys
I try to build svo2 in UDOO QUAD ubuntu 14.04 but i got this err:
[svo_ros] ==> '/home/udooer/svo_install_overlay_ws/build/svo_ros/build_env.sh /usr/bin/make --jobserver-fds=3,4 -j' in '…
It seems that in common lisp we can make zero-dimension arrays such as in:
CL-USER> (make-array nil)
CL-USER> #0anil
Should we implement this on Euslisp too?
Naive implem…
ExSpirit need an awesome tutorial.
I suggest something like this and might even help:
1. Quickstart: pretend ExSpirit is a PEG parser. Explain the combinators and show some simple examples. Ever…
Currently, the following
> (cmd:cmd& "sleep 17")
("sleep" "17")
> ,quit
leaves the "sleep" process hanging in the background.
It's particularly inconvenient if the process ha…
Here's the form in question, part of a macroexpansion of the form ```(define-simple-exporter def (var &body (&optional val docs)))``` in exporting.lisp
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplev…