INFO: [Project 1-1042] Successfully generated hpfm file
unmatched open brace in #list
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: unmatched open brace in list
![2021-12-09 02-1…
I have been trying to carry out IP generation for vision-related examples, while I have been able to carry out synthesis there is an issue that I am facing during co-simuation.
I am using Vitis HLS…
localparam string TESTED_VERSIONS[] =
$ svinst test.sv
parse failed: "test.sv"
72 | localparam string TESTED…
Im working with a simple network for a signal classifier. I adapted some tcl files to be able to target a [ZyboZ7-10](https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zybo-z7/start) that is s…
The Adept version recommended by the documents are too old to be able to download from the
Is it workable to use the newer version to r…
## Prerequisites
Please make sure to check off these prerequisites before submitting a bug report.
- [+] Test that the bug appears on the current version of the dev-branch. Make sure to include the …
I follow the following steps to do simulation but cannot get waveform similar to the what's shown in README. Please correct my mistake.
1. Create a vivado project with `xc7s50csga324-1` (arty-s7 bo…
Dear Sir,
I am trying the notebook for yolov4-tiny on ultra96 and stuck at
tcu = Driver(ultra96, overlay.axi_dma_0)
I have to stop the notebook and found the following traces:
I have built and ran the tutorial with no modification successfully but when using Petalinux to configure the Common Software the dpu_sw_optimize.sh fails with:
Auto resize ext4 partition ...[✔]
Followed below steps and got attached .PNG error.
1. git clone https://github.com/antmicro/alkali-csd-projects.git
2. cd alkali-csd-projects/
3. git submodule update --init --recursive
4. docker p…