Right now, it assumes both are on the same pin. We probably have not yet noticed any problems with it because generally they are on the same pin and even if they were not on the same pin, something e…
Aprovechando el dinero de la subvención, propongo, ya que como se especifica mas detalladamente en [#46](https://github.com/asrob-uc3m/impresoras-asrob/issues/46), se compre una placa Arduino Mega y u…
I’ve found some old apple floppies and they look like they have serial wires and pinnouts. I found some diagrams showing their is a pwm pin but no direction pin. is their a way anyone else knows how t…
The test has been done in normal light conditions.
Switching between modes seems don't affect the max range measured
Is it normal?
| Name | Unit cost | Channels | Current (cont.) | Current (max) | Qty | Total cost |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- …
I recently upgraded my shapeoko from an Arduino Uno to a mega and I am using a CNC Stepper Shield designed for the Uno. I realized that the pinout wasn't the same with GRBL for both boards. Is there a…
In the parts list for the drive motors it says to get the 378:1 Gear Motor, but in the wishlist https://www.pololu.com/wishlist/1J10953 it has the 172:1 version for the drive motors.
Could which ever…
Please add our DualTB9051FTGMotorShield library to the library manager:
Forgive me for my novice understanding(I am fairly new to C++ and C), but is there a way to take advantage of this convenience function?
vl53l1_api_core.c Line 1050:
Tenemos que hacer con referencias la nueva lista de materiales. @madelgj copia las cosas que estan de la lista que habia hecho y añade los cambios y cosas nuevas.