While aligning a 19nt-long sequence to the human reference genome (hg38) using `bwa aln`, I get the unexpected results to get less reported alignments when using 6 mismatches instead of 5.
My toy e…
If I accidentally merge Greek words that have already been aligned (or I change my mined), It would be nice if when I unmerged them the original alignments would remain rather than all of the GL words…
I found that the positions of all images in the img-outglobal-positions-0.txt file are integers.
I would like to ask if it is possible to choose sub-pixel registration like Fiji.
Currently sort -n merely sorts by the probeid. However, many programs output multiple alignments per read (splicing, blat, etc.). For these kinds of paired-end alignments, using sort -n will typic…
The tool currently supports target to target replacement suggestions only. To perform source to target replacements, an alignment model is run and replacements are performed as a pre-processing step. …
## Expected Behavior
I was testing foldseek multimer search on these two structurally similar PDBs obtained from RCSB PDB (also tried PDB-redo). However, the results are not returned as the files a…
Hi Philip,
Just playing around with large SW alignments and have noticed that the maximum alignment length is capped due to i16 constraints: https://github.com/philipc/gkl-rs/blob/9eec44205839fc9e7…
I've been trying to run GA on my custom structure, `Organism`, but it's giving the following error:
result = Evolutionary.optimize(
() -> init_organism("msa_dat…
Is it possible for PsiClass to be executed on long-reads generated from PacBio and/or Nanopore? If not, is it possible to make quick modifications to the code to adapt to long reads?
Hi, I am working with Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing and found your tools really useful. However, while I was trying to use your BamSlam script to generate some summaries and figures for the alignment…