When launching, warning message comes up saying: "File itemscroller-rift-1.13.2- is not a valid mod file.
# 公告
**如果你在阅读完本公告后仍然希望在此处发布 issue,请将公告内容删去,并按照下面的模板填入相关信息。**
我们发现,对于不经常检查邮箱的人来说,GitHub Issues 的反馈效率太低,时隔几个小时甚至一天的情况很多。为了改善反馈效率,并将积极为 HMCL…
* 启动器版本:3.3.172-1 来自archlinuxcn的打包
* 操作系统:ArchLinux with Linux 5.7.7
* Java 版本:OpenJDK 1.8.0_252
* 错误截图(最好请将整个电脑屏幕的截图发上来):![img](https://s1.ax1x.com/2020/07/12/U8LeDs.png)
* 游戏版本(如果是启动通过启动器自带的自动安装…
**Description of bug:**
BeatDrop does not work for me in BeatSaber 1.0.1.
I can see my playlists in the game, but selecting them does not filter the songs to the playlist.
Moreover, after install…
* 启动器版本:3.2.130
* 操作系统:Windows10
* Java 版本:Java8
* 错误截图(最好请将整个电脑屏幕的截图发上来):
I was setting up the game and going through all the different settings when the game crashed. Tried to get back in, a grey window with the exe's name pops up for a few seconds, then a blue window appe…
* 启动器版本: HMCL-3.2.135.jar
* 操作系统: manjaro 18.0.4
* Java 版本:
> openjdk version "12.0.2" 2019-07-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 12.0.2+10)
Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (buil…
* 启动器版本:
* 操作系统:Win7 SP1
* Java 版本:JRE1.8.0-162
* 错误截图(最好请将整个电脑屏幕的截图发上来):
* 游戏版本(如…
I installed the fabric mod loader and a new 1.14 profile showed up. When I start the fabric profile everything seems alright but there are no active mods. I get the "_Minecraft 1.14/fabric_" logo in t…
* 启动器版本:3.2.130
* 操作系统:win10 1903 18362.116
* Java 版本:8u211
* 错误截图(最好请将整个电脑屏幕的截图发上来):
* 游戏版本(如果是启动通过启动器自带的自动安装功能安装的游戏):
* 对游戏做的修改(是否自行通过安装器安装 Rift 等 API,以及 mod):
* 游戏崩溃报告(如果有):
* 启动器崩溃报告(如果有):