Excuse me, may I ask why this error occurs in the code in "D:\Rroom\00_data_ingest\02_tissue_analysis_rmd\Heart_facs.Rmd"
Because `rmarkdown::md_document()` only offers a few hard-code options, none of which are MyST-compatible. That function is nevertheless extensible via https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html
* The chapters could be more generalized by removing the protocols and putting them in their own *chapter per protocol* or putting them in the *Appendix*.
* The chapters need to be renamed to inclu…
processing file: xuemo.spin.Rmd
Quitting from lines 3-67 (xuemo.spin.Rmd)
Error in file(file, "rt") : 无法打开链结
Calls: ... withVisible -> eval -> eval -> read.csv -> read.table -> file
停止执行 老师求解
Error in `mutate()`:
We need to update the `feather_snorkel_qc.Rmd` to include data pre-2004. Erin created this Rmd [here](https://github.com/SRJPE/JPE-datasets/blob/main/data-raw/qc-markdowns/seine-snorkel-data/feather-r…
## all days / general
- [ ] prepare certificate of attendance
- [ ] can we have S3 or S4 taught in earlier courses? method dispatch comes up with `?RunUMAP` and n.dims being only defined in the la…
Hello, I struggle with posts' Table of Contents.
As long as I use the standard **.md** format, everything works perfectly. But, when the same file is saved as **.Rmd** (R markdown, R is a programmi…
When I try to render the file `predicting_phi.Rmd`, I get the following
processing file: predicting_phi.Rmd
|......... | 18% [unnamed-chunk-5]
Allow users to specify a configuration file to generate a slide deck. The idea is similar to `showoff.json` file in `showoff`. I am thinking of using a `config.R` file. A simple configuration file wou…