There are two people in this Project
- @addisalemseifu
- @AnsarIbrahim
This is the Project link:
[Kanban board](https://github.com/ClaudiaRojasSoto/Space_Travelers/projects/1)
- [x] Dear reviewer, we would like you to keep in mind that our team is made up of two members.
Have you considered adding hooks for git-flow?
ie, `flow-{action} [start|finish]` - Invoked when {action} is started/finished would be ideal for integrating with an issue tracker to mark a feature/…
I noticed today that you are using the gitfow avh version, which we are looking to use. However, you don't expose the support branch features. Are you planning to support that soon?
The resulting bytecode should always be the same for the same input
* [ ] ArC observer methods (#683)
* [ ] Build ordinals/main & static init method ordering (#1020)
We've been evaluating monorepos for use in our team, and settled on Lerna. Our development process is based on Git Flow. (https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow)
At the moment prooph repositories use a [gitflow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow)-like workflow which means all the feature PRs should be merged into deve…
Write a function that takes in a list of integers and returns the sum of all the even numbers in the list.
## Description
When splitting bag files on max size and/or duration, it would be helpful to know when the following bag file begins. You cannot infer this based on the end time of a bag file, becau…
git flow hotfix start version tag_version
Fatal: Base 'tag_verson' needs to be a branch. It does not exist and is required.
Any idea?.
bruli updated
6 years ago