magma read_ms_data option --scan selects one spectral tree from an mzxml for processing. Expose as filter option in MS Data form, only when mzXML format is selected.
Job has the following ms_data_formats:
["mzxml", "mass_tree","form_tree_pos","form_tree_neg"]
For interpreting the tree based on formula's it is necessary to know the ionization mode and should be co…
MS data input from text area. Can be input into MAGMa with:
magma read_ms_data -f tree manual_input.txt
The text area may contain the following example data for chlorogenic acid:
``` newick
When quantifying an `MSnExp` or `Spectrum`, check the `spectrum@centroided` slots and stop/warn accordingly.
Uploading op MzXML zip files does not work a the locally installed MetiTree server at PRI, Wageningen.
Every 2nd file to process failes and gives the following error: 'Error: was unable to enrich the msnfile using the MSn: filename.RAW.mzxml.cml'