(wy) root@autodl-container-28da11ab52-7d6a74d6:~/nnUNet/nnunetv2# OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 nnUNetv2_train 1 3d_lowres 0 --c
Using device: cuda:0
2024-01-22 15:42:43.972844: Using dummy2d data augmentation
loading dataset
loading all case properties
unpacking dataset
2024-01-22 15:44:57…
Using as reader/writer
Plans were saved to /home/nnUNet_preprocessed/Dataset800_X/nnUNetPlans.json
Preprocessing dataset 800_X
Configuration: 2d...
100%|██████████| 488/488 [01:…
Hello, i need the pretrained file of nnUNet, can you send me please. Thanks
after running for two epochs, it seems like the program has frozen. I used the commands " watch -n1 nvidia-smi" and " watch -n1 gpustat", but neither of these commands refresh the status every second …
I am using nnunetv1 and I have have data with different number of lables, I would like to randomly dropout specific labels i.e. label=2. I tried to do that on nnUNetTrainerV2 by adding dropout la…
Dear organizers,
Is the `export2onnx` used in the baseline?
I'm asking because our model contains some operators that do…
RuntimeError during launch `nnUNetv2_train` in nnunetv2==2.4.1
[2024-04-20T22:34:42.874Z] Prediction on device was unsuccessful, probably due to a lack of memory. Moving results arrays to CPU
### **1) Dataset**
First training was done on 20 subjects from the spine-generic and OpenNeuro datasets. Manual segmentation of the ventral rootlets was done while the dorsal rootlets' segmentation w…
I am using the nnunetv2 for segmenting lung tissue and i have three different classes: aired tissue, non-aired tissue and background. I want to adjust the weights to make sure the model prioritizes to…