Running synthesis with Vivado 2022.1 I get the following error log:
WARNING: [Synth 8-9887] parameter declaration becomes local in 'ip_mux' with formal parameter declaration list [/sour…
Currently in `clash-testsuite` we allow testing against `modelsim` for SystemVerilog only. However, we could allow testing against _all_ HDL supported by Clash in `modelsim`, which would help identify…
I'm not able to compile the file "sim_waveform.vhdl" using Vivado (Version 2015.2).
I get the following errors:
ERROR: [VRFC 10-925] indexed name is not a time [/home/albert/git/dnk7/src/hw/PoC/s…
Hola, estoy intentando usar Vivado en mi computador personal y tengo el siguiente Warning (porque ni si quiera es error):
[filemgmt 56-2] IPUserFilesDir: Could not find the directory 'D:/Universida…
I'm using Linux Mint 18 Sarah. I'm also using the Xilinx Vivado IDE, which looks like this after installing Infinality. Note that the IDE comes with its own JRE.
What is the correct procedure to increase the block ram in lowrisc version 0.2 to run large bare metal applications?
I changed `localparam BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH = 16;` to `localparam BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH = 17;`…
I have the log2 function defined in a separate "functions.sv" file which is then included in the "config.sv" file only. The "functions.sv" file is not added to the synthesis project but the "config.sv…
Hello! I'm using PYNQ-Z2, vivado 2020.1, and I want to generate a image resize IP with resize.tcl. But when I run it, an error occurred:
WARNING: [BD 41-176] The physical port 'S_AXI_GP2_rd_socket…
Quick Summary
Attempting to convert a trained Keras Model with Quartus as Backend. but get this error
When trying to add the _cl_wrapper_ module, I get an _Incompatible Module_ issue that prevents me from adding it. I also see that _obuf_, _pe_, _banked_ram_, _obuf_mem_wrapper_, _mux_n_1_, _signed_add…