I'd like to know how difficult it would be to code in the ability to call out attacks like the anime does?
example: blue-eyes attack white lightning. something like that.
Hi Hans and all,
As you know, we're currently working on writing a methods paper for the special about animal models in HD for Neuroscience Methods. I want to describe the process of atlas creation th…
Show edges in a different style for duplicate and conflicting dependencies.
style "dashed"
hi there,
I've been looking out there for a maven dependency graph visualization tool for a while, and yours is pretty neat, since it works on multi module projects !
One thing i'd like to see tho, …
Use Case Model
* Use Cases
* Use Case Diagram
Seems that region are not supported in the GraphML export, as YeD explodes when opening a graphml model containing regions:
y.H.B.B.a: Target node id Start not defined in this graph!
at y.H.B…
Im Moment sind die Thesen in der Map nur durch eine andere Farbe von den Argumenten unterschieden.
Ich finde, dass es hilfreich sein könnte, wenn die Thesen visuell mehr hervorstehen würden.
Need to add more tests for graphml format input files. @ebachoura and @eileenchoe can either split SIF and graphml or both work on both. Discuss with @dondi this week.
We will review next week to see which solution to select. Pls invite Chris K.
UI needs to be designed and implemented. Functionality is not required yet (i.e. buttons etc. can be simple placeholders, no underlying code is needed).