from flask import Flask # python web framework
from flask import request # 웹 요청 관련 모듈
from flask import render…
when cmake it has a warning of qt5, but when make , the terminal show "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopencv_dep_cudart"
$ cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.4
-- The CXX compile…
KTU:klustering is using a tremendous amount of memory in my machine. Even dedicating around 30 GB of swap memory and 8Gb of RAM would not be enough for around 30k input sequences (20Mb of a plain…
As the Court, in order to protect the CMS system from potential viral threats, we need to implement virus-scanning for document uploads.
## Pre-Conditions
* External party is uploading/filing a do…
This issue has been sent to Cisco PSIRT before, handled as PSIRT-0722824177, but deemed not a security issue.
It is currently used by malware spammers to evade archive scanning. A similar issue [mi…
For #24904, we have made changes to Go 1.21 to make the Go distribution builds trivially reproducible: given the source archive and a Go bootstrap toolchain that is new enough (Go 1.21 requires Go 1.1…
OpenCelliD is now being maintained by Unwired Labs! The License has been updated from CC BY-SA 3.0 to [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://opencellid.org/downloads). Is it possible to update the same on [Rad…
New monsters:
- [x] super otter
- [x] octopus, deep-dwelling
- [x] tube worm, giant
- [x] dragon fish
- [x] merhorse
New dragon variant
- [x] clam, giant
Hi Team,
I've been getting the below error when running the freshclam command during the building of an AWS machine image using Packer. I've been using clam av without issue for a long time, this h…
I am facing some problems hndling the PANDA dataset. How did you process the PANDA dataset? I see that in the splits section of the code for PANDA data train, val and test set have image_fn …