Eller neste generasjons sekvenseringsmetoder? Tror jeg vil gå for termen uten "metoder" på.
Belegg: k16004705, ISBN: 9783874294928
More and more policy is implemented with computer technology, or at least supported by it. Until proven otherwise, we should therefore assume that computer software has the potential to impact the fai…
Im getting the following error installing in CentOS 7 + kernel 4.2.3-elrepo:
DKMS make.log for pfring-6.1.1 for kernel 4.2.3-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 (x86_64)
Ter Out 6 15:05:57 BRT 2015
********** W…
term: dna footprinting - definition has to be revised -
(can be invivo or invitro) Alteration in intensity of
bands is used to determine the footprint. Protections
maybe a decrease in band intensity o…
Hi All developers,
I would like to start a project in which the primary objective is to identify every human on Earth from birth. Reasons as below:
1. no matter how far our technology advance, we are…
term: dna footprinting - definition has to be revised -
(can be invivo or invitro) Alteration in intensity of
bands is used to determine the footprint. Protections
maybe a decrease in band intensity o…
I'm using the very basic setting.
``` go
doc, err := goquery.NewDocument(url)
if err != nil {
Above snippet returns weird characters…
umayr updated
8 years ago
Fix the persite log-likelihood functions to account for tip patterns and also the new way of handling mixture models.
Currently, pattern compression is implemented on a "character level", i.e. it works with the strings as they were read from a FASTA/PHYLIP file. This has at least one unpleasant side effect: if severa…
Can we add “in situ proximity ligation assay” as a method to detect protein-protein interaction? This technique has been described in PMID 17072308: “Proximity probes-oligonucleotides attached to ant…