I implemented a custom CNN for binary classification with following structure. The goal is to check if a specific object is present (class 1) or not present (class 0) in the image. The trained CN…
@carloalbertobarbano @enzotarta
Kudos on this great work!
I had a trivial question. In the paper, you mention that disentanglement happens for the bias-guiding patterns, and entanglement happen…
I am trying to build Trilinos on macOS with GCC (after I gave up trying with clang #7035).
I get error at following build line:
`cd /Users/sahirbutt/sw/Trilinos/build/packages/teuchos/comm/test/C…
### Bug description
Thank you for fixing the previous NaN bug. This solves most issues. However, sometimes these NaNs still occur. With the newest commit, the tensors are zero.
I would suggest add…
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 其它 / other
这是继 #3181 之后的又一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。记得可以直接编辑留言,而不必用鼠标逐个点击。
The issue can be reproduced with test `SMS_Ln5.ne30pg2_EC30to60E2r2.F20TR_chemUCI-Linozv3.pm-cpu_gnu.eam-v3atm_rtmoff` or `SMS_Ln5.ne4pg2_oQU480.F20TR_chemUCI-Linozv3.pm-cpu_gnu.eam-ne4_v3atm_rtmoff`
I trid to train the slowfast model with multigrid, unfortunatey I can not run it sucessfully.
The errors are as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dfxue/disk/code/SlowFast/…
Because i only have 1 RTX 3090 so far,i use the python ./tools/train.py projects/configs/baselines/CAM-R50_img1600_128x128x10.py to train the model.
However, I encountered the following error …
root@autodl-container-2db1118bae-37fa7cbb:~/mmyolo# python demo/boxam_vis_demo.py mmyolo/configs/yolov8/yolov8_m_syncbn_fast_8xb16-500e_coco.py ./work_dirs/yolov8_m_syncbn_fast_8xb16-500e_coco/epoch_3…