A distributed licensing server is a cool idea, and software security would be a good place to start with implementing smart property. Your solution to proving ownership is interesting. The constant …
- [ ] Makes ZeroNet work natively on mesh networks
- [ ] Automatically signs IPv6 address if it isn't provided
* **PeerTube version or commit: 1.0.0-alpha.8**
* **What is the expected behaviour?**
A video might be in multiple languages. The movie [Le Jeune Karl Marx](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_…
Moving to WhisperSystem's lisignal library directly here:
I would like to see a `tup clean` command. I'm not sure if this was a conscious decision to not have this command or if nobody has asked for it.
Obviously this command would remove all generated outp…
> Please read and comment on this issue if you are a developer or user of RMG - we need lots of input!
The purpose of this issue is to centralize discussion and hopefully reach a …
This won't be interesting unless we can tie it to some broader national trends. For the DiD portion at least, we can tie it to the ["community input" movement. ](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/arch…
Could you please, add sublist3r as a library on pip https://pypi.org/project/pip/?
If would be very nice if you could click an item and then use a keyboard
command to bring that item forward or send it backward.
The current method requires users to click an item, then right c…
If would be very nice if you could click an item and then use a keyboard
command to bring that item forward or send it backward.
The current method requires users to click an item, then right c…