**NOTE**: The code here was translated from Python.
**EDIT**: Sorry for the bad C++ translation.
I was attempting to test out the new input system in SteamVR and it doesn't seem to work with the Qu…
Hello, I've tried single scene, and when I start it in my hololens the cube is positioned 5-6 cm above and 5-6 cm closer to me than the marker. I've controlled marker size and settings in app and it's…
Prioridad: Media
Los estados de la montura no se actualizan correctamente.
Mª Carmen habló con Esteban y encontraron la solución, faltaría implementarla.
I'm working on a driver which creates virtual trackers based on the position of the controllers and the HMD. I am able to get the poses of the HMD as well as the controllers with `vr::VRServerDriverHo…
When I want to run cartographer in gazebo, error occur:
global_trajectory_builder.cc:100] Check failed: odometry_data.pose.IsValid() { t: [inf, -inf, -0.000397655], q: [6.2123e-09, 3.5231…
Hi @dihuangdh
I am trying to run the demo you provided
When I run "sh apps/3_background_matting.sh", I get "easymocap" missing error
More information below:
python tools/preprocess_mask.py …
Hi, I am using a movenet model from tfhub.dev with FrameProcessor and VisionCamera to try and apply human pose estimation to a person. It doesn't appear as though it is tracking my movements as the ou…
Hi @anDoer,
Thank you for adapting the HOTA for keypoint tracking. I would like to bring to your notice about possible error in computing the False positives in images where there is no GT.
In l…
Thanks for sharing your work!
I've been trying to reproduce you results using your dataset rpg_stereo_tro, for what I've tried to run the mapping and tracking nodes as:
roslaunch esvo…
Find an appropriate machine learning model - if the model is compact enough, find an appropriate method to communicate data to phone, otherwise communicate to PC.