Several recent contributions, especially the updates required for being compliant with ISO 19111:2019, are being developed under a contract with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). NRCan needs to specif…
A place for data consumers to let Johns Hopkins CSSE (and each other) know how the data is being used, for example here is my info
**Public/Private:** Public
## Introduction
If you are an [indie hacker](https://indiehackers.com) (a.k.a, IH), the dream is to have an income-generating side business.
Understandably, busy IHers like to spend time writin…
### Proposed Term Label
Kingston Health Sciences Centre
### Proposed Associated Field(s)
sample collected by
### Definition/Description
Kingston Health Sciences Centre is the amalgamati…
Hi. Thank you for all the efforts at providing this data.
time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv has been deprecated and we are instructed in the Readme file to use the Global confirmed file instead.
This takes a JSON file as input (to avoid using GitHub API and does its best to loop over the past X days and figure out an open/closed rate.
const data = require("./blurts-server.json");
Currently we are looking for case counts data and other statistical information from different countries as well as for people who can maintain this data (add, curate, update).
The entire process s…
## C⓪V①D
COVID-19 Cofacts and Comments https://agora0.gitlab.io/blog/covid
## How-to
- Vote :+1: / :-1: to the comments.
- Add your own comments below.
All hierarchical parameters are currently uncentered. I was reading this discussion https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/low-ess-and-high-rhat-for-random-intercept-slope-simulation-rstan-and-rstanarm/9985/…
I received a complete 2 dose course of AstraZeneca from the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.
I am a Swiss resident. When I try to scan and store that certificate into Swiss Covi…