Created a new issue because #88 is poorly named
@ashisharora010 @veralauee
I have tried for a week straight to get this repository working and I'm still not having much luck.
# Can't run co…
### Your GTNH Discord Username
### Your Pack Version
### Your Server
private server
### Java Version
Java 21
### Type of Server
Vanilla Forge
### Your Ex…
Hi, answering questions regarding how to use other languages by saying your working on it https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=200520
Without hassling yourselves - any idea how …
Perdón por escribir en castellano, pero bastante esfuerzo he hecho ya para registrarme en este sitio que sólo está en inglés. Debajo pongo el enlace a la traducción de Google, aunque creo que el desar…
[Nonebot Plugin GPT Sovits utils.py L46](https://github.com/zhaomaoniu/nonebot-plugin-gpt-sovits/blob/main/nonebot_plugin_gpt_sovits/utils.py#L46)
def get_wav_duration(wav_byt…
I am wondering whether it's somehow possible to take only first value (or value at location `i`) when receiving a list of values in json.
For example, for this output:
"data": [
Links sobre el manajo del mismo:
Mình có đổi lại code index js như này vì nó gặp lỗi không thể biết được const { Client } = require('messenger-api.js')
const client = new Client({ online: true })
const config = require('./config/c…
### Data Owner Name
### What is your role related to the dataset
Data Preparer
### Data Owner Country/Region
United States
### Data Owner Industry
### Website
[root@localhost vstd]# nb run
使用 Python: /root/vstd/.venv/bin/python
09-17 16:58:46 [SUCCESS] nonebot | NoneBot is initializing...
09-17 16:58:46 [INFO] nonebot | Current Env: prod
09-17 16:5…