1. Create or edit your arcgis user name to be longer than 30 characters
2. Login into Crowdsource Reporter with your arcgis user
In the screenshot below you will see the application header is much…
Jared Schultz reported this issue to me today for Mosquito Service Request which I was able to reproduce as well as [Vision Zero](http://statelocaltryit.maps.arcgis.com/apps/CrowdsourceReporter/index.…
1. Sign into ArcGIS Online.
2. Download and publish the following File Geodatabase.
3. Add the hosted Feature Layer to New Web Map.
4. Navigate to More option of the Hosted Feature Layer > Configur…
When accessing Crowdsource Reporter from a computer you can select "All Files" from the browser to attach a video. This option is not available when you access from a mobile device like an IPhone.
My feature layer has a subtype, domains, and fields that are required (nullable is false). When submitting an issue in the Crowdsource Reporter app, required fields do not show until I choose the subt…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the sample crowdsource reporter application below:
Crowdsource Manager doesn’t always drawing the basemap. It seems to be specific to vector basemaps. If I access the map in map viewer, it works fine. We had similar issue for Reporter which was fixed …
1. In ArcGIS Online, click Groups. Create a new group.
2. Share a web map that contains data in a different geographic area than where you currently are.
3. In ArcGIS Online, click Content.
4. Crea…
1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
2. Add any Server services to Content > For example: https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/CommercialDamageAssessment/FeatureServer/0
3. Add the Fe…
Test data:
Crowdsource Reporter app - Crowdsource Reporter Logo Issue
Contained in app - …