Hello, I am using edmr right after MethylKit but the DMRs I get, correspond to a region where there are more CpGs than displayed in "num.CpGs" column. The code I run is the following:
The following table references chapters from [The Bioconductor 2018 Workshop Compilation](https://bioconductor.github.io/BiocWorkshops/).
You can see the workshop schedule that I developed [on the …
### Operating System
Other Linux (please specify below)
### Other Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Cluster)
### Othe…
I have just started exploring use of DMRcate for DMR detection but have concerns about the approaches dmrcate offers for ranking DMRs. DMRcate offers Fisher's combination, Stouffer's combination, and …
New issue so we can keep a track of running of scripts.
I'm currently test-running the annotation pipeline on the cluster, without PhaseMatch2. I've edited the size classes based on the density plo…
Provide trainings with details about the algorithms of the main analysis to help user really understand what is happening .
I have RRBS data from 44 Lung cancer samples (Ctrl and diseases). There is high heterogeneity beside the tumor cells in the samples, that is why after pre-processing with RnBeads, I submitted the…
I want to use defiant to identify DMR in my WGBS data (non-model organism). I used the following command but can not identify any DMR. Please let me know if and how I could relax the conditions …
基本所有peak的padj值都为0.998, score值都等于0.000180458。 但是三次重复分开三次运行时,结果却是正常的。下面是我的运行代码,我现在很困惑,希望作者能够帮忙答疑解惑,非常感谢🙏🙏🙏
Because of the improvements in modified basecalling accuracy `Nanopolish` states that it does not support R10 flowcells on its GitHub. It also seems that Oxford Nanopore is investing in this…