While using the boston_housing data set, a data set hosted by the Scikit-learn package and used to demo models on house price prediction, I came across a feature titled 'B'. This struck me as odd beca…
When we assign tracts to either gentrification or displacement categories, I thought we were prioritizing gentrification. So why would a tract that gentrified 2000-18 be ongoing displacement? This hap…
D.C.’s Chinatown’s both visibility and invisibility makes for a unique case study. Its relatively small footprint within the city’s center has transformed dramatically over the past forty years. Furth…
https://www.urbandisplacement.org/map/sf is the old map with new information
I'm facing a strange problem when trying to use kdeplot on a df.
This works: `sns.histplot(plot_df, x='normalized count', hue='Gentrification Status')`
it looks like uc berkeley is labeled as 'advanced gentrification' on the sf bay maps -- didn't we have a student fix? if not could it be added from the sensitive communities code?
I noticed that our typology.py code for At Risk of Gentrification only indicates that these tracts should have a 0 for gent_90_00 and gent_00_18. However, this omits the gent_90_00_urban and gent_00_1…
from Liz Wampler: I was wondering about the relationship between gentrification and becoming exclusive, and the colors don't easily let you tell that story, so I was wondering about that from a color-…
6001423200: is SLI, should be at risk of gentrification if not gentrifying. Confused why this isn't at risk if it has all the risk factors and just not the gentrification indicators? Community talks a…