Hello, I would like to request if you could create dbSNP154.GRCh38/dbSNP154.GRCh37 or provide guidance to built dbSNP154. GWAS Catalogue uses dbSNP154 version and this could be helpful for help workin…
GWAS tool:GAPIT3, can you help me to make a docker or singularity image for this tool?
I've followed previous advice of running the single trait MTAG to work out the factor that the MTAG beta's and SE's need to be multiplied by to compare to the GWAS results.
The mean factor (MTAG_beta…
Thanks for the great work running thousands of GWAS on All of Us data.
Can you please provide a list with the covariates used in the analyses?
Currently the GWAS Catalog datasets are updated via [a shell script under /utils](https://github.com/opentargets/gentropy/blob/dev/utils/update_GWAS_Catalog_data.sh). However this is not the preferred…
This is my command:
!python /Users/halk/MetaXcan/software/SPrediXcan.py \ --model_db_path /Users/halk/Downloads/eqtl/mashr/mashr_Whole_Blood.db \ --covariance /Users/halk/Downloads/eqtl/mashr/mas…
American beech GWAS:
I previously already used **Pheweb** to process some large GWAS files. Now my project manager decided to **rename** some of the input GWAS files, for example, renaming a **LDL.gwas.gz** file…
Similar to the work on variant index (#3350), we would like to serve a `gwas_study_index` dataset through OS + API.
This dataset is created by different upstream ETL processes ([gentropy](https://g…
I have the scoary gwas output and I was wondering if it is possible to add it to the phandango browser. If I cannot add it directly, any suggestion on how to convert it into a plink format fil…