Congrats to making the icon look great in light and dark mode. However, with Sonoma & Sequoia there is a new challenge: The badge the system attaches to text fields when cmd-spacing thru available lay…
The mac version of Java has a command line app called jpackage which builds native Mac Apps. If you are in the folder of the fat mortar jar, all you need to do is:
jpackage -i . -n Mortar --icon mo…
Suggested by jlnr
**Check if this has already been suggested first**
Nope, this is the first issue about it
**What's your idea?**
Add support for ico and icns into 1.12.2
We need a `.ico` and `.icns`.
A while ago I uploaded some icons, and they were downloadable just fine. However when I checked yesterday, the icons are still listed but cannot be downloaded and are empty in my profile.
`CFBundleDocumentTypes` is used to register file types for an application on Mac OS X, but in nw.js, for example 0.14.4-sdk:
``` xml
I Couldn't find an app icon, so I spun one together from the media assets quickly in GIMP
i am a noob but i need mac for ios flutter dev so i just installed Manjaro and tried the >> command
docker run -it \
--device /dev/kvm \
-p 50922:10022 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/…