Is there any advantage to using scan periods on devices that invoke callbacks for every advertisement? That is to say, if I'm not worried about power consumption. I've noticed the stack getting into a…
The fix is seems pretty easy, we just need to find the right `ifdef` for the Galileo (and probably also the Intel Edison) for [this](https://github.com/CNMAT/OSC/blob/master/OSCData.h#L96) line (and t…
Chemistry pre-processor doesn't work with the Intel compiler when tested on two of the platforms. There seems to be a bug in the Makefile. By commented out an if-condition in the Makefile, the code co…
Vanilla kernel (v4.11-rcX) support almost everything on Edison out-of-the-box.
When compiled with the Cray Fortran compiler, the coarray version of ICAR scales to very high concurrencies - nearly 100 000 images on the Edison system at NERSC, and up to several 10 000s of images o…
intel edison board type, with the following errors in logs:
time="2020-06-16T11:56:15.792916685Z" level=error msg="b378d96dd111d2825e7bd67fe8e7ce37f71fcdb83dc670fd0ddf776ec52940e3 cleanup: fai…
A fix for the PCI-style SST probe (used by Edison) most likely broke the ACPI-style SST probe (not used by Edison). The fix moved code from context_init (shared by both probes) directly into the PCI p…
I'm trying to boot the image generate with buildroot (thanks so much for adding edison support!) but I still have some problems.
U-boot finds the kernel, but then the kernel fails to mount rootfs:
i think that npm should work regardless of the opperating system but I am unable to find a way to get MRAA back and my code examples to work. any suggestions to get mraa back? or do i have to rewrit…
_While using the command:_
**edison@jubilinux:~$ mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyMFD1 --baudrate=921600**
_I get the following response from the system meaning that my companion-computer communicat…