noticed that, curiously, the below query (castleman) returns 1 edge when sent directly to the [CTKP CI API](https://multiomics.ci.transltr.io), but no edges when sent directly to the [KG2 CI API](http…
| Category | Module/Application | Features |
| Specialties | Cardiology (Cupid) | - Supports invasive and non-invasive procedures- Flexible structured r…
Pose your questions as Issue Comments (below) for Marc Berman regarding his 10/10 talk on "Implicit racial biases are lower in more populous more diverse and less segregated US cities".
check - there shouldn't be any adverse events at baseline - might be a mistyped timepoint in covidence (covidence automatically puts the timepoint as baseline, we might have forgotten to change this t…
In addition to the column headings we had in the last JSON file could we please also have 5 more:
Cancer (all types), male and female.
From any recruiting trial in the UK.
1. Title (S…
In a call with Adrian, he brought up the idea of running AMAT from ATIP. This is also an idea I've heard earlier. AMAT is https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/att…
Add ANCOVA as a new capability of the package
- [x] Glossary: add post-test only and pretest-posttest variants to the nonequivalent group design section
- [x] Flesh out with more detail?
- [x] …
Please leave suggestions for studies using a *crossover design*.
## Books
For this section, see the following texts:
* Senn (2002, [https://doi.org/10.1002/0470854596](https://doi.org/10.1002/0…
Thank you for a very nice package.
I'm trying to switch from pycausalImapct recently, and I don't fully understand this module yet, so I'll only provide some ideas today.
How about adding…
## Hypothesis
Language (words and speech patterns) can signal "tribe" or trigger heightened emotional responses (negative or positive) in a reader, making them more likely to assume bad intent from t…