Dataset Transformation/Pipeline creation
The UK is divided into four countries: England (ISO 3166-2 `GB-ENG`), Wales (`GB-WLS`), Scotland (`GB-SCT`) and Northern Ireland (`GB-NIR`; actually ISO 3166-2 describes `GB-NIR` as a province not a c…
Tracking issue for coverage in Europe
* [ ] :albania: Albania: unknown
* [ ] :andorra: Andorra: unknown
* [x] :austria: Austria: national railway included, local transport available with contract…
On April 23rd, 2024, Vendor Central launched support for Ireland (IE) Marketplace. For more information, refer to the SP-API Vendor Central URLs, SP-API Endpoints, and Marketplace IDs topics in the SP…
On the dev branch at the moment, pasting in this BODS 0.3 data:
"entityType": "legalEntity",
"foundingDate": "1992-06-17T00:00:00+00:00",
"identifiers": [
"id": …
We could augment the BERT training data with English text, or text in other languages, machine translated to Irish and/or with automatic paraphrases of Irish text.
Is their previous work adding syn…
There are HTML pages going back to 1999 here: http://archive.niassembly.gov.uk/qanda/answer_old.htm - and it would be good to scrape/parse these as we do with the UK Parliament written answers.
### Current Behavior
At least the following countries are incomplete in the [current source](https://github.com/eclipse-tractusx/bpdm/blob/e230e997dc43db77b096ee45f927d9ab8a26c68e/bpdm-pool/src/main/…