Thanks for this wonderful repo.
While training the model with this command 'python3 train.py --phi 0 --weights /home/priyalakshmip/pose_est_efficientpose/EfficientPose/COCO/efficientdet-d0.h5 li…
在运行train_linemod_pvn3d.py 报的错误,求大佬指教
Hi,guys,I saw the similar codes in pcl's examples "train_linemod_template.cpp".And I got the template's pointcloud from the author of linemod's homepage "http://campar.in.tum.de/Main/StefanHintersto…
Lanns updated
4 years ago
This error is ocurring when I run main_train_dagnet for the first time. Do you have any clue of how to solve it?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main_train_dagnet.py", line 1520, in
jpsml updated
6 years ago
After running the script
The following error shows up
No.7190 Pass! Distance: 0.008826363647664644
No.7191 NOT Pass! Distance: 0.030700618748845932
hi, now i have created a linemod-like dataset and i want to pretrain. So how to do that? Thanks @liuyuan-pal
I have a simple question related to the data parallel and your code.
I ran provided train_lm.sh scripts. https://github.com/ethnhe/FFB6D/blob/master/ffb6d/train_lm.sh
When I ran the script, I got …
Dear author,
As title, if I want to use linemod-occlusion dataset to train model, how can I prepare datset for the training stage?
I write my own code for dataloader to load the LM_O testing dataset. But i find it work badly on the eggbox and glue while others work normally. I only get 6.8 ADDs in eggbox. Can you give the code fo…