I tried using the optimizer and saw a crash in Emscripten 1.36.3. Here's part of the error log:
thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
DEBUG:root:EMCC_WASM_BACKEND tells us to use asm.js ba…
Great work. It is easy to integrate new algorithms and the graphical output is awesome.
I have only 4 minor issues:
1) https://numba.pydata.org/ is easy to use and can speed up GA up to factor…
from IPython.display import HTML, SVG
from pydrake.geometry import MeshcatVisualizer, MeshcatVisualizerParams, Role, StartMeshcat
from pydrake.geometry.optimization import IrisInConfigurationSpace, …
Hello, i want to use your package in order to do parameter estimation of ODEs and later on compute confidence intervals with profile likelihood. However to me the following code is not working on a to…
I’d like to organize the pre-processing into three scripts:
- [ ] imagecalibration.py would dark-subtract and flat-frame
- [ ] How to debayer with astropy?
- [ ] imageanalysisplatesolve.py and …
(pytorch) tao@tao:/media/tao/新加卷/Osman/REMINDER-main$ /bin/bash /media/tao/新加卷/Osman/REMINDER-main/train_voc_19-1.sh
voc_19-1_REMINDER On GPUs 0,1 Writing in results/2023-12-24_voc_19-1_REMINDER.csv
### Checklist
- [x] I've given this issue a self-descriptive, meaningful title (e.g. *Implement optimization algorithms for shimming*)
- [x] I've described the new feature and its expected behavio…
Hi, I've been following your instructions on the README to train the model. However, I ran into CUDA out-of-memory issues even with a 16 GB GPU.
I have tried to solve the above with the following s…
Hi there! Stumbled on AutoOED recently and it looks to be a great fit for what I need. I'm attempting to run a manual experiment and use AutoOED to help guide tuning of parameters. Unfortunately I hav…
Global Rank: 0 Local Rank: 0
Global Rank: 1 Local Rank: 1
Torch version: 1.1, 1.10.0+cu102
n scales [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
dataset = cityscapes
ignore_label = 255
num_classes = 19
cv split…