**Issue Name:** Be clear and concise. If it is an issue with a CDM table or field, then make sure the table name & field are part of the issue name. If it is an issue with source data, then the source…
Background: One of the changes made when adding the "mapstream" function was to switch from using the internal CDM definitions based on Django to dynamic loading of json configuration in which lists o…
**Describe the bug**
Running the code from [ares docs](https://ohdsi.github.io/Ares/)**
Looking at the HL7 Spec.s I can see value sets used for the codes in different subsections.
It's not clear where to find the contents, or _how useful these are_, but here's a start at a list of them,…
**PROBLEM**: Allergies.
There are ambiguities on:
1. How to store allergies to OMOP CDM;
2. How to link allergic reactions and the associated drugs/allergens.
According to the OMOP CDM document, a visit occurrence would coincide with visit details, if there are any details about the visit occurrence. I'm not seeing this relationship between the results of t…
Resolve OMOP identifiers: http://api.ohdsi.org/WebAPI/vocabulary/concept/922802
The OMOP CDM currently accepts these [Accepted Race Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Race&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=) ONLY as the race_concept_id in…
在介绍vocabulary这张表时,提到的reference表在何处 完全找不到
VOCABULARY表中罗列了从各处收集而来的字典,亦或是OMOP自己构造的。This reference table is populated with a singl…
@mvankessel-EMC it would be nice if targetCohorts, eventCohorts, and exitCohorts were allowed to be in different tables in the cdm. This would provide some more flexibility in the analysis, as we may …